
Retrofit Services

“Michael Dyson Associates Ltd is committed to working with our clients to meet their net zero carbon targets, whilst considering safety, cost, programme and quality requirements.”

Our multi-disciplinary service provision has been developed to support our clients on their Retrofit journey, creating healthier homes and cutting fuel bills for residents

Our services include:

  • Client awareness/training
  • Support with grant funding applications
  • Energy surveys including Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) and SAP assessments
  • Stock assessment, data analysis and archetyping
  • Advice and identification of opportunities to improve EPC/SAP ratings, reduce carbon emissions & provide fuel bill savings
  • Retrofit Designer
  • Retrofit Co-ordinator
  • Retrofit Assessor
  • Retrofit Evaluator
  • Sustainable/Low energy use design options
  • Thermal modelling/pressure testing
  • Measured Surveys
  • Architecture
  • Contract Administration
  • Quantity Surveying
  • Project Management
  • Procurement
  • Enerphit Design
  • Post occupancy evaluations and monitoring

For further information relating to our Retrofit Consultancy services please contact: Paul Tyrer

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Michael Dyson Associates Ltd
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Michael Dyson Associates Ltd
01484 666888
Michael Dyson Associates Ltd
West House
West Yorkshire

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